Since 2000, Warwickshire Open Studios has gained an outstanding reputation for helping visual artists and designer makers across the Warwickshire and Coventry area connect with art lovers who enjoy, buy, commission and participate in their work.
Our aim is to make art accessible for all – we therefore welcome artists of all ages / abilities / mediums and encourage a diversity of venues.
Our annual Summer Art Weeks is Coventry and Warwickshire’s biggest FREE arts event and regularly attracts over 30,000 visits a year.
Over a 16-day period, over 400 of our registered artists open their homes, studios and pop-up exhibitions to the public. While many people find it daunting to visit an art gallery, they often feel more comfortable going to a public space like a village hall, church or shared studio space – enabling our artists to display their art to a much broader audience.
Across the years, over 1,800 individual artists have got involved in our summer event with a small handful having taken part in each one and 30 artists having done at least ten.
We also offer our artists other opportunities to promote and sell their work at different events throughout the year.
As a self-funded organisation, we are run entirely by volunteers who are all artists themselves or art enthusiasts.
Meet the directors
Our current Board members are Janette George – Director, Claire Henley – Deputy Director, and Eric Klein Velderman – Deputy Director

The Board is supported by a small but growing team who help with planning, marketing, administration and distribution. We couldn’t operate without our volunteers, so we try to identify specific tasks or projects that make getting involved more manageable and less of a time commitment. If you would like to get involved then please contact admin@warwickshireopenstudios.org.

During 2023 Warwickshire Open Studios became registered as a Community Interest Company (CIC) and the company reference number is GB-COH-14935056.
We are delighted to support

We are also actively developing links with various local arts venues and organisations, such as Rugby Art Gallery & Museum, Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum, Compton Verney Art Gallery, the LSA and Art in the Park.