Felted Picture with Warwickshire Artisans

Venue, Timing, Cost

Yew Tree Farm Shopping Village
Wednesday, 15 May, 2024
10 - 4
Felted Picture

Join textile artist, Penny to create a wonderful felted picture. Penny also has a drawing and painting background and will guide you to make a piece of your choice.

You will learn (or revise) how to place the wool correctly and learn hints and tips to enhance your picture and create a composition ready for wet felting. There will be some use of felting needles during the session to achieve detail. You
will then use soap and water to lock the fibres into place more effectively.

Suitable for beginners or those who have felted before. Please bring an old towel and a waterproof carrier bag.

All materials, a light lunch, as well as cake and drinks throughout the day are included in your ticket price.

Submitted by

Warwickshire Artisans