b'RADFORD SEMELEB CAEDART AND CRAFTS AT LEASOWE FARM07774 887140|jpingall@hotmail.comYou are welcome to visit the studio in our hidden courtyard where you will find five artists demonstrating and exhibiting their work, all inspired by the natural world. There will be demonstrations daily and work on show will include: beautiful embroidered textiles by JANE CAVEN AB ceramics by VIV EGID who may be found pressing plant material into clay on siteC quirky constructions by JOHN INGALL, based on the hard-shelled gourds he grows and combines with stained glassD E ANGIE HOLLAND and JANE INGALLusing cyanotype, ecodyeing, lino- and mono-printing on paper and fabric to produce a wide range of items.S S M T W T F17 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 301 2 11am - 6pm 5 D50 Leasowe Farm, Southam Road, Radford Semele, CV31 1TYbulletins.mingles.upsettingTurn off the A425 onto the farm drive; follow the signs to the brick barn conversion & parking.'