Sarah Stott

Region: Coventry

Artform: Mixed media ,Painting

My process is an extremely organic one: I choose a texture, then start mark making, but at this point I start listening to what the canvas wants and needs. I never work with a design/image in my mind. I totally immerse myself into the canvas and let the creativity flow instinctively. This is also the same way I add colour to my canvas.
The textures I use are many and varied from shredded paper to grit; the rule of thumb is if I can use it, I will. I tend to add the texture with a pallet knife; however, if it makes a mark then I will use it. I find that everyday items make amazing texture – I love an orange bag net.


Crazy Rah Art – Market Hall – FarGo Village
Far Gosford St
Tel: 07702 249586

What 3 words location: fakes.bared.pace

Facebook: crazyrahart

Added extras:
Card payments accepted, Commissions welcome, Family Friendly, Parking, Refreshments, Toilets, Workshops during Summer Art Weeks

Accessibility Level: Level 4 : Full access – all on one level with wide doorways and good lighting.

Opening Dates and Times

June-July 2024

Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 01 02 03 04 05 06 07

Times: 11am-4pm