Sally White
Snitterfield Studio

Artform: Ceramics
Sally’s work is mostly thrown or slab work, made in white stoneware, allowing for coloured, porcelain slips, that she uses for decoration. Inspiration comes mostly from land or seascapes, flora and fauna. Sally uses a stencil machine to make some of the scenic content, then some sgraffito is added to give more depths to the image. Another strand to Sally’s work is some long-standing mug designs, with animal handles cast from her own moulds, with more detail added by hand afterwards to make this everyday item an extra special vessel. The idea of animal handles originally came from Sally’s interest in gargoyles and ornamental additions to churches and other buildings. This was at one time the way of waterspouts to carry away the water, similar to our present day guttering. The interest in these handles led on to green men sculptures, and many other designs including animals or grotesque faces as extra interest to the surface of a pot.
6 Frogmore Road
CV37 0LA
Tel: 07443 510545
Directions: Pass shop on left, over speed hump, next left is Frogmore. At end is a white bungalow on left.
What 3 words location:
Added extras:
Card payments accepted, Commissions welcome, Demonstrations, Family Friendly, Parking, Refreshments, Toilets
Opening Dates and Times
June-July 2024
Times: 10am-5pm