Barbara Perkins

Ettington Church

Joy Comes In The Morning
Region: Stratford-upon-Avon

Artform: Collage ,Mixed media ,Painting ,Printmaking ,Textiles

Creativity is a God-given gift which everyone has.
Some paint, some write, some illustrate, some act, some make beautiful craft items… the list is endless… but even you (the person reading this) can create a beautiful thing. The only requirement for this creative masterpiece is that it is ‘composed’ by yourself and you have to like it.
There seems to be so much elitism and exclusivity in art, but I am convinced that everyone is an ‘artist’. So get creating!
I mainly paint, stitch etc for myself, not primarily for the commercial market, although it is nice when someone wants to buy a piece of artwork because they like it. I was a primary school teacher for 13 years and believe that art is essential in life’s journey. I couldn’t survive without it. It’s part of my DNA.
I have had paintings selected for the Birmingham Open Exhibition and the annual exhibition at the Patchings Art Centre, Nottingham, organised by ‘The Artist’ and ‘Leisure Painter’ magazines.


Ettington Church
3 Halford Rd
CV37 7TH
Tel: 07961 591488

Directions: In Ettington village on main A422 Stratford to Banbury Road; 15 mins drive from Stratford.

What 3 words location: isolated.efficient.correct

Facebook: BarbaraPerkinsArt

Added extras:
Card payments accepted, Parking, Refreshments, Toilets

Accessibility Level: Level 4 : Full access – all on one level with wide doorways and good lighting.

Opening Dates and Times

June-July 2024

Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 01 02 03 04 05 06 07

Times: 11am-5pm (Sun 12noon-5pm)